Thursday, October 16, 2008

Live By Faith

Living by faith is my most challenging principle to live by. The reason is because I live my life by sight not by faith. I am living my life in the flesh and not by the Spirit. However, the bible indicates in 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV) "For we walk by faith, not by sight." What was the Apostle Paul saying exactly to the church in Corinth? He was saying, "hey listen, our human bodies are dying in each passing day, but God has already prepared a Heavenly place in which we will dwell with Him for eternity." No matter what is happening to me while living in this earth, God already has a place for me to dwell with Him forever. And this is not because I am a good person and I do wonderful things that God wants to honor me with a place in Heaven. No, the reason is because God is merciful and full of grace that He placed the penalties of my sins (violations of God's commandments) on my Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus suffered and died in my place of judgement and was resurrected from death three days later. I believe by faith that Jesus did this for me and every single sinner in the world. Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of my life. By God's power and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I will live my life by faith and not by sight. No matter what is happening, I will choose not to lose sight of this biblical truth. Because of Jesus Christ God has an eternal place in heaven reserved for me.